8 Dimensions of Well-Being

The National Wellness Institute defines well-being as “an active process through which we become more aware of, and make choices toward, a more successful existence”.  Well-being is multidimensional and addresses all areas of life, including:


    Learn more about the 8 dimensions of well-being!

    Satisfaction with current and future financial situations:
    • Attend the Financial Literacy class.
    • Bring your lunch instead of eating out.
    • Track your spending habits and reflect on how/where you spend money.
    • Set a goal to save money for the future.
    • Talk with a financial advisor.

    Personal satisfaction and enrichment derived from one’s work (paid and unpaid):
    • Focus on the things you like about your job – Why do you work, why did you choose your job, and how do you connect those together.
    • Write out your career goals.
    • Take breaks away from your workspace.
    • Connect with your coworkers.
    • Participate in professional development opportunities.

    Recognizing the need for medical care, physical activity, nutrition, and sleep:
    • Replace a sugary snack with a piece of fruit.
    • Join a recreation league or team sport.
    • Get a good night’s sleep by turning off electronics.
    • Have a medical home and get regular check-ups.
    • Use a standing workstation or yoga ball at your desk.

    Developing skills and strategies to cope with stress:
    • Establish a routine.
    • Laugh! Don’t take life so seriously.
    • Seek support from a family member, friend or counselor.
    • Practice formal and informal mindfulness activities.
    • Make a gratitude list.

    Search for meaning and purpose in the human experience:
    • Engage in a religious practice, such as attending a religious service.
    • Use prayer and meditation.
    • Practice mindfulness and yoga.
    • Commit a random act of kindness.
    • Connect with nature.
    • Keep a journal and reflect on personal growth.

    Developing a sense of connection and a well-developed support system::
    • Reconnect with an old friend or meet someone new.
    • Enjoy family dinners at the table or eat lunch with coworkers in the break room.
    • Share your talent and skills by volunteering in the community.
    • Join a club or organization.
    • Say thank you and compliment others.

    Recognizing creative abilities and finding ways to expand knowledge and skills:
    • Do crossword puzzles or play brain games.
    • Tap into culture – attend a play, sporting event, museum, or live concert.
    • Learn how to play an instrument or speak another language.
    • Read for pleasure.
    • Attend a community class or workshop.

    Good health by occupying pleasant, stimulating environments that support well-being:
    • Connect with nature (walk barefoot, play outside).
    • Participate in a clean-up event.
    • Recycle, Reuse, and Reduce – ask for paper bags at the grocery store instead of plastic, donate unwanted clothing.
    • Walk or bike to work a couple of times a week if possible.
    • Go to the farmer’s market and choose locally sourced foods.

For more information contact Jenny L Workman, Community Wellness Manager - 573.815.3263